
10. The Temple atop a rock, Mulkirigala Viharaya

  Mulkirigala is another Temple constructed atop a large natural rock, surrounded with another four rocks and believed to be built in the third century. The site consists of seven viharas and has been constructed within five compounds, and adorned with ancient painting, carvings, sculptures and murals. It is a lesser known ruin but visit the site to get a complete experience of the ancient ruins in Sri Lanka. Entrance fee- LKR 500

9. The Temple of Wood Carvings, the Embekka Devalaya

  While you enjoy your holiday at  Cinnamon Citadel Kandy , don’t miss out on one of  Sri Lanka’s points of interest , the historic Embekka Devalaya situated close to the hotel. The unique feature of this temple is that everything consists entirely of wood, with no other materials being used. It provides a feast for the eyes with its columns, pillars and doors all adorned with breathtaking wood carvings and the roof too has its own special design done in wood. Don’t miss out on this unique experience, witness the talents of the Gampola Era (1357 – 1374AD). Entrance fee- LKR 300

8. The road less travelled to Ritigala Archaeological Site

  These intriguing ruins are usually skipped by tourists because of the hike to get there, but for the adventurous lot, this is most definitely worth the trouble and a truly rewarding experience. Apart from the monastery complex, Ritigala is home to 70 rock caves that were believed to had been inhabited since the first century BC. Don’t let the journey scare you and keep you from visiting this mystic beauty.

7. Fort of Triquillimale, the Portugese Fort

  Completed in 1624 AD, Fort Frederick is a fort built by the Portuguese at Trincomalee and the gateway is crowned and adorned with British insignias and presently serves as the entrance to the Gokana Temple and the rebuilt Koneswaram temple. Wander around at the top of the walls of the fort before returning to your luxurious and comfortable abode a few kilometers away at  Trinco Blu  by Cinnamon

6. Belilena Cave of the Prehistoric man

Bring out the true history-lover in you by visiting the 32,000-year-old cave which provides ample evidence of prehistoric human presence. A walk through the jungle to this large cave where skeletal remains of 10 humans named the ‘Balangoda Man’ were found should be on the top of your list of  Sri Lankan attractions . You can refresh yourself with a dip under the waterfall that sprays over the cave’s entrance too. And the best part? Its only 3 hours away from Colombo!

5. The picturesque Dambulla Cave Temple

  The Royal Cave Temple Complex has been famous for over 22 centuries. What awaits you atop this rock is simply breathtaking and definitely worth the climb of 160 m. Magnificent wall paintings and over 150 statues in and around the temple make this temple a tourist hotspot that can be visited easily during your stay at  Cinnamon Lodge Habarana  or  Cinnamon Village by Cinnamon . Entrance fee- LKR 1500

4. Fortified town of Galle

  Sitting approximately 130 km (2-hour drive via the Expressway) south of Colombo, Galle is a town worth visiting. Built by the Dutch during their dominion of the country to protect the island from further invasion is now a sight for all to witness. The ancient Dutch architecture overlooking the Indian ocean, which has been very well preserved provides the perfect backdrop for your insta-worthy pictures! Entrance fee- USD 5 (Galle History Museum)